CIP 6-26-2013

Meredith Capital Improvements Program (CIP) Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
- June 26, 2013

Members Present:   
Ed Touhey, Chairperson
Mark Billings, School Board Rep.
Jack Carty
Barbara Clark
Jeanie Forrester
Dick Gerken
Dave Thorpe
Nate Torr

Members Absent:
John Edgar, Community Development Director

Staff Present: 
Phil Warren, Town Manager
Brenda Vittner, Administrative Services Director

Chairman Touhey called the meeting of the Capital Improvements Program Advisory Committee to order at 7:03 pm on Wednesday, June 26, 2013 at the Town Hall Annex.

Minutes.  Mark Billings moved and Nate Torr seconded the approval of minutes from June 5, 2013.  The Committee voted all in favor.

Update: DPW – Capital Equipment Schedule.  

Phil Warren, Town Manager reviewed the capital equipment schedule that was current as of 12/31/2012.  Extra schedules were available for the new Committee members.  Phil advised the committee that there were no changes to the schedule and as the 2014 Budget is developed all Capital Equipment will be reviewed and any changes would be given to the Committee in the fall.

Update: DPW – Roads. 

The Town Manager advised the Committee concerning the status of the Road Summary.  DPW provides a road summary annually to determine needs and schedules for the upcoming budgets. The Town Manager indicated that the scheduled roads for 2013 were underway and he didn’t see any issues that would change the completion for the year.  The Town Manager indicated that that DPW –Highway is continuing to work on the road inventory and the software to manage the roads.

Update: DPW – Waterfront Infrastructure. 

The Town Manager updated the Committee of the two projects that had been completed; Cattle Landing Docks and the boat ramp at Lake Waukewan.  DPW is continuing to work on an inventory of the Town’s waterfront infrastructure to determine needs for the next few budget cycles.

Update: DPW – Facilities/Garage Replacement. 

The Town Manager updated the Committee of the concerning the proposed facilities/garage replacement for the DPW garage.  An internal committee has been formed to begin looking at the feasibility, needs, location and soft costs.  The goal would be to have a plan to bring soft-cost items to the March 2014 Town Meeting and then develop hard costs amounts for the following year.  Everything is on the table and will be evaluated during the development of the project such as; the replacement of the underground gas pumps, green technology, alternative heating and cooling and space needs.

Other Business.  There will be no meetings during July and August.  The next meeting will be on Wednesday, September 4, 2013 at the Town Hall Annex at 4:00 pm.  An updated meeting schedule will be sent to Committee members in August to outline the September 2013 meeting schedule.


With no further business to come before the Committee, Mark Billings made the motion to adjourn, seconded by Jack Carty, all voted in favor, at 8:30 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brenda L. Vittner
Administrative Services Director
June 26, 2013

Approved:  September 3, 2013