CIp 6/6/12

Meredith Capital Improvements Program (CIP) Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
June 6, 2012

Members Present:                                         
Lou Kahn, Chairman, Planning Board Rep.              
Jack Carty, School Board Rep.
Barbara Clark
Dave Thorpe
Jeanie Forrester                                                         
Members Absent:      
Ed Touhey, Planning Board Rep.
Miller Lovett, Board of Selectmen Rep.

Staff Present:                                                 
Phil Warren, Town Manager
John Edgar, Community Development Director

The Capital Improvements Program Advisory Committee met on Wednesday, June 6, 2012 at the Town Hall Annex.  Chairman Kahn called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.

Minutes.  The Committee reviewed draft minutes for the meeting of 5/30/12.  Jack Carty made a motion to approve the minutes as written.  Lou Kahn seconded the motion. There were no comments or corrections. All voted in favor of the motion.

Update: Fire Department.  

Phil Warren, Town Manager reviewed with the Committee 2011 Fire Department Equipment Inventory.  Phil advised that 1983 Pierce Pumper (Engine 4) will not be replaced and would come out of service when Heavy Rescue Vehicle is acquired. The Heavy Rescue Vehicle will replace the existing Rescue Van. Phil advised that the $400,000 currently programmed in the CIP based on the 2011 estimate will not be sufficient.  This is due to increased emission standards and technology requirements particularly as it relates to extrication hydraulics.   The revised estimate is $525,000. Either the purchase of the Heavy Rescue Vehicle could be delayed until sufficient funding is in place or additional funding could be added to the ETF over the next several years to make up the difference. The project Identification Form submitted in 2011 will need to be updated to reflect the additional information. 

Phil advised that the 1988 Tanker 5 is scheduled for replacement in 2018.  The Fire Department is actively seeking a Fire Act grant to cover 90% of the costs.  Under this scenario the town would be responsible for 10% of the costs. As Tanker 5 ages and we get closer to the replacement year, our grant possibilities improve.  Phil is cautiously optimistic.  

Phil advised that there are no capital needs associated with the two fire stations.  Any future ventilation improvements would be budget items.

Update: Parks and Recreation.  

Phil advised that he has tasked Vint Choiniere, Parks and Recreation Director to develop a master plan for parks and recreation facilities.  This plan will have many components including community involvement and will be more than a list of needed improvements.  The plan will be presented to the Board of Selectmen for their endorsement.  Phil expects this plan to be ready by the fall of next year.  There was discussion regarding sustainability and the Community Center user fees.

Phil advised that Childs Park is essentially complete.  Outstanding items include re-surfacing of the basket ball court, signage, a punch list and the grand opening.

Phil mentioned that improvements to the lower fields had been identified as a capital improvement in years past.  This will need to be researched further.

Update: Inter-lakes School District. 

ack Carty provided the Committee with the Inter-Lakes School District Capital Improvement Plan and Facilities Budget Plan dated January 2012. Jack advised that there are no capital items anticipated in the next five years and that the Facility Expendable Trust Fund has a balance of $284,289. This fund would be used to address large items such as boilers and roofs. Jack advised that no additional ETF funding requests are anticipated at this time. Jack pointed out auditorium seating replacement- $100,000 (2015/2016) on p. 7 would be funded out of the budget.

Discussion: Energy Committee. John advised that building energy audits have been completed for the Town Hall, Town hall Annex, Library, Water Treatment Plan and the DPW Offices and encourage the committee to review them.  John indicated that the Committee will be working with Phil to see how some of these improvements could be packaged and advanced. Lou cautioned that several smaller improvements should not be bundled or aggregated for the purpose of meeting the $90,000 threshold.

John mentioned that the DPW Garage replacement project is a good opportunity to consider  energy efficiency and renewable energy alternatives. 

Other Business. Phil advised that the Board of Library Trustees recently met with the Board of Selectmen to present the Historic Building Assessment dated April 24, 2012 prepared by Christopher P. Williams.

The next meeting of the CIP Advisory Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, June 20, 2012 at 7:00 PM.

Adjourn.  With no further business to come before the Committee, Dave Thorpe made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  The motion was seconded by Barbara Clark.  All voted in favor.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
John C. Edgar
Community Development Director
June 7, 2012

 Approved: September 5, 2012