CIP 9-4-13

Meredith Capital Improvements Program (CIP) Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
September 4, 2013

Members Present:   
Ed Touhey, Chairperson
Mark Billings, School Board Rep.
Nate Torr, Selectmen’s Rep.
Dave Thorpe
Jack Carty
Barbara Clark
Jeanie Forrester
Dick Gerken
Carla Horne Selectmen's Rep (Alternate)

Erin Apostolos, Library Director
Rich Jewett, Brown Engineering
Colleen Nolan, Library Trustee

Staff Present:   
John Edgar, Community Development Director
Brenda Vittner, Administrative Services Director
Phil Warren, Town Manager

The meeting was brought to order at 4:00 pm by Chairman Ed Touhey.

Minutes: Dave Thorpe made the motion to accept the minutes from 6/26/2013, seconded by Mark Billings; the Committee voted all in favor.

Update:  Library 

the Library Director, Erin Apostolos submitted updated ID forms and cost information for the library project. Erin handed out an updated page 3 of the Project ID form with corrected costs numbers.  Barbara Clark asked a number of questions; including how the contracts would work, management of finances, and other responsibilities of the vendors and clerk of the works.

Gutters will be installed on the historic building as the new addition is fine.  Phil suggested heat tapes in the gutters for draining. Attention needs to be made as to where the water goes as it comes off the roof and through the down spouts to be sure the draining of the water is handled properly.

Ed Touhey brought questions regarding additional funding.  Erin is submitting a grant to LCHIP.  The amount could be up to $70,000 and will be decided by December 2013.  Erin asked about the need for bonding, Phil indicated that there is Town policy requiring bid or performance bonds.  For this project a performance bond should be required.

The trust funds available to the Library Trustees has been used to deal with upgrading bathrooms, painting, balcony railing, and other small items.  Erin did bid out the specifics for the various components of the project to obtain quotes.  Once funding has been approved and available, should to bidding to tighten up the costs.

John Edgar asked if the library would be closed at any time and if a safety plan had been planned for.  Rich indicates that there have been discussions and there will be a need to sit down with the Fire Chief, Ken Jones and Code Enforcement, Bill Edney.

Update:  Interlakes School District 

Mark Billings, as the representative from the School Board to the CIP Committee updated the CIP Committee regarding capital items for the school district.  Mark spent a great deal of time in the morning with Trish Temprino, Asst. Superintendent.  The district had prepared a capital/facilities plan in June 2013 which was shared with the CIP Committee.  A CIP worksheet was updated for a 5year period totaling approximately $1.58 million, which includes large and small investments.  Of the total amount, $950K has been identified as capital projects under the CIP definitions and include the ILES room, Auditorium Seating, Repaving, and the upper athletic field.

The priority identified for 2014-2015 year $300-$340K per year for the listed projects.  Roof, seating, paving, would begin in the 2014-2015 school year.  The funding component-the maintenance/facilities ETF has approximately $290K in the fund.  There is expected to be a warrant article to 2014 meeting to add $50-$75 to the ETF for the 2015-2016.  The ETF has been targeted for possibly funding the roof and paving.  The seating funding has not been identified as of this date.  Discussion ensued concerning ETF’s, purposes and future funding.


With no further business to come before the Committee, the Chairman adjourned at 5:15 p and the next meeting will be on Wednesday, September 18th, 2013 at the Town Hall Annex.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brenda L. Vittner
Administrative Services Director
September 4, 2013

Approved: September 18, 2013