CIP Meeting Minutes September 18, 2013

Meredith Capital Improvements Program (CIP) Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
September 18, 2013

Members Present:   
Ed Touhey, Chairperson
Mark Billings, School Board Rep.
Nate Torr, Selectmen’s Rep.
Dave Thorpe
Barbara Clark

Members Absent with Notice:
Dick Gerken
Jack Carty
Jeanie Forrester

Staff Present:
John Edgar, Community Development Director
Brenda Vittner, Administrative Services Director
Phil Warren, Town Manager

The meeting was brought to order at 4:00 pm by Chairman Ed Touhey.

Minutes: Mark Billings made the motion to accept the minutes from 9/4/2013, seconded by Nate Torr; the Committee voted all in favor.

Update:  DPW – Highway Garage 

Phil Warren, Town Manager updated the committee pertaining to the DPW facility including feasibility, study, design and construction.  The current building was built in 1965 at a cost of $55,000 with the assistance of NH DOT.  The building has outlived its usefulness, has no insulation, the in-ground fuel tanks need to be dealt with by the beginning of 2015.  The existing facility contains many instances of health and safety deficiencies, including potentially unsafe work areas, poor lighting and ventilation, inadequate hoisting and lifting equipment.

The estimate for soft costs is approximately $100,000 to begin the feasibility study (first phase) which will assist with the design and construction.  Within the feasibility study there will be geo-technical borings done to determine the soil composition to help determine the foundation needs as well as looking as various heating solutions.  The plan is to be able to come back to the CIP committee with values for design, bid and construction.  The feasibility study will also include water quality, evaluation of water and sewer (in-flows/out-flows), green considerations; everything is on the table so that once the project starts it is complete and done once.

Update:  Meredith Public Library 

Erin Apostolos, Library Director presented an update to prepare and RFP and bid the project will cost an additional $3,200.00

Update:  Interlakes School District 

Mark Billings, School Board Representative, updated the committee with school district capital projects; three rose to the threshold; the elementary school roof, repaving of the parking lot and fire road and the replacement of the auditorium seating.

The roof is to be phased in over four years.  The paving is to occur during the 2014/2015 year and the auditorium seating would be funded during the 2015/2016 year.  The funding plan is to come from two areas of the school budget, 1st $100,000 budget allocation in the operating budget and second from a warrant article placed on the warrant requesting $100,000 each year over the next four years.

Update:  Groundwater Source Study 

Phil Warren, Town Manager handed out an update form Emery & Garrett Groundwater updating the Town in reference to water redundancy for the Town’s water supply.  E&G was very pleased with the results of the yield and quality testing program that was conducted at Prescott Park.  The conclusion is that an alternative well should be developed that could yield an estimated 300,000 gallons per day.  E&G has developed a future scope of work document to pursue, develop, and permit an emergency water supply well in the general vicinity of the irrigation well.  The Town will need to appropriate approximately $175.000 to complete the project.


With no further business to come before the Committee, the Chairman adjourned at 5:05 pm and the next meeting will be on Wednesday, September 25th, 2013 at the Town Hall Annex.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brenda L. Vittner
Administrative Services Director
September 3, 2013

Approved: September 25, 2013